
Naivas Supermarket temporarily closes Machakos branches

The 2 branches of Naivas Supermarket in Machakos Town have been closed indefinitely from Thursday morning.

In a notice seen by Mauvoo News the chain supermarket notified its customers that the two branches in the town were closed due to technical problems.

“We are experiencing a technical hitch that has impacted our POS(till)operations. The team is working to ensure that the matter is resolved in the shortest time possible. All inconveniences occasioned by this are highly regretted,” read the notice at the entry of the closed supermarkets.

Naivas supermarket has two outlets in the town namely Old Naivas and Mbaitu/Supercenter branch.

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Below are some social media reactions from concerned customers.

Bernah Mumo said, “It’s like their systems have been hacked..shortly things will be back to normal,”

Faith Wavinya said, “Nimekua ya Mombasa pia tumeacha vitu turudi baadaye. , They’ve not closed down. they have suspended operations,”

Ula Faith Wa Mackenzie said, “You mean Macha sasa hakuna naivas na mimi hapo ndio ushop after mulleys kufunga,”

Steve Muia said, “It’s just a system error..they couldn’t stay open with a malfunctioning stock and payment system.,”

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