Supermarket chain Quickmart to open branches in Machakos and Kitui


Supermarket chain Quickmart is from February 24th set to open new branches at Mulleys supermarkets premises in an apparent take over of the troubled Retailer.

On the 24th of February 2022, QuickMart Machakos pioneer located along Machakos – Wote road opposite Machakos Level 5 Hospital will be opened. This is where the Mulleys pioneer branch was situated.

QuickMart Machakos express will be opened the next day February 25th and is located at Machakos Bus Park where the Mulleys express branch was.

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On the 11th of March, the giant retailer will open Quickmart Highway Mlolongo next to Family Bank where Mulleys Mlolongo was located.

In Kitui, the branch has already been rebranded and a coming soon notice also put up. Quickmart after opening these branches will now boast of over 50 branches countrywide.

Last month, Mulleys supermarket closed the Emali, Mlolongo, and Embakasi branches. This was barely 2 months after they closed 5 other branches.

Peter Mulei and Son’s business portfolio previously comprised of retail operations in form of 10 Mulleys Supermarket branches, 3 Mulleys wholesale outlets as well as a Mulley’s distribution center, and was among the biggest business empires in Lower Eastern.

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