
Furious Governor Wavinya hits back at Machakos County MPs

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has come out guns blazing at Machakos County MPs for oversighting her administration.

Speaking during an impromptu visit o Machakos level 5 to check the status of the hospital after claims that most things in the hospital were not functioning, Wavinya said that the MPs should stop poking their noses in matters Machakos County rather should focus on national issues.

She noted that oversight in the county was to be done by MCAs and Senators not members of parliament rather asking them to oversight President William Ruto.

“Mps you have no business in Machakos, I want you to tell us the money you get in the CDF, you get over 100 million every ward needs to have 40 million. I have done my work as a governor. If you want politics we shall now get into politics,” said Wavinya.

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“Instead of doing oversight in Machakos county, concentrate on the National government. Go and oversight President Ruto that is your work. Counties are to be overseen by MCAs and senators,” she added.

This comes days after Kalama Ward MCA was assaulted by county inspectorate officers resulting in a wide uproar. Machakos County MPs told off the Governor after the incident. Missed the story? check it out below;

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