
Masinga MP calls for Governor Wavinya’s impeachment

Masinga MP Joshua Mbithi Mwalyo and Masinga Central Ward MCA Joshua Kiilu Mwonga have called for the impeachment of Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti. The duo accused Ndeti’s administration of arrogance meted out against elected leaders.

Speaking during the distribution of Uwezo Fund cheques, they reaffirmed to the people of Masinga their commitment to standing by leaders who were intimidated by the county government. They declared it disrespectful and vehemently condemned any acts of violence committed against leaders.

“Are we going to die off ignorantly, in the name of having a governor? Someone, please tell the governor to style up or better even get to work. She touched a live wire. The is a live wire. Tomorrow we shall assemble as members of parliament. We hope the MCAs will help our cause of removing the governor from office. We cannot support such behavior. How come there hasn’t been any news of a fight in Makueni? The backyard of Governor Mutula? Governor Malombe’s Kitui? How come problems have only failed to seize in Machakos? “MP Mwalyo said.

“On the subject of hiring young men to attack MCAs, I want to let their superiors know that their conduct will cause them to lose the elections. They ought to understand that power comes and goes,” Mbithi added.

“We cannot work under the same circumstances in 2027. So the best thing for the governor is better style up or else pack her things.” He went on.

This comes in the wake of the dramatic assault of Kalama Ward MCA Boniface Maeke by Machakos County inspectorate officers Wednesday.

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