
Masinga MP Joshua Mwalyo cries foul after losing nominations to David Mutuku

Masinga MP Joshua Mwalyo is calling on the Wiper party National elections board to cancel the just-concluded parliamentary nominations in Masinga.

In the nomination, David Mutuku popularly known as DM won with 6116 votes followed by Mwalyo with 4862 and Lawrence Maingi who got 2228 votes.

Addressing the media, the incumbent Mwalyo said that the exercise was not free and fair citing that there was a lot of rigging.

He narrated the incident at Masinga polytechnic where the presiding officer allegedly tried to mix already marked papers with the other votes. The people inside who noticed this took the papers and threw them outside and see them on fire.

This caused the results from the polling station to be canceled.

“I want to refuse the results of the nominations that took place in Masinga. It is a shame because we found marked ballot papers that had been given to all the presiding officers,” Mwalyo said.

“Like for example at Masinga polling station the presiding officer had stuffed votes in her handbag and attempted to mix with the other votes angering the people,” he alleged.

He said that the nominations don’t reflect the Wiper party and should be termed null and void.

Speaking after being announced the winner David Mutuku thanked the locals and promised to serve them without taking sides. He welcomed everyone to his team stating that if he wins in the General Elections his focus will be to develop Masinga.

Apart from the late arrival of ballot papers to polling stations, the nomination exercise did quite well.

“I want to appreciate those from Kangode, Ekalakala, Ndithini, Masinga central, and every part of Masinga for standing with me, feel appreciated wherever you are,” he said.

The nominations initially were to happen on 19th then changed to 21st then pushed to 22nd April due to technical problems. Rumors had it that the incumbent had been issued with a direct ticket but the party trashed the claims.

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