
Why Ngilu is supporting Musila for Kitui Governor – Malombe

Former Kitui Governor and Wiper Party Gubernatorial candidate in Kitui Dr. Julius Malombe has dismissed claims of union between Governor Ngilu and former Kitui Senator and Jubilee Party Gubernatorial candidate David Musila.

Malombe pointed out that even after ODM leader Raila Odinga endorsed his gubernatorial bid, Ngilu has been forcing some of her close allies to drum support for David Musila since she won’t be defending her seat. Last month at a rally in Kitui, Raila unveiled Malombe as the Azimio candidate.

Speaking during a political rally in Kitui West, Malombe said that their union has no agenda for the common residents of Kitui and Governor Ngilu is trying to force the people of Kitui to support Musila to spoil for him. He urged the residents to reject Musila’s candidature because he has no interest of the Kitui people at heart.

“The residents have been assuring me that they have rejected the union between Musila and Ngilu. She already messed Kitui county meaning that they want to continue derailing development in Kitui and the people of Kitui to continue suffering, “Malombe alleged.

He promised to continue working on the stalled projects that he left while he was the governor and bring more to the people of Kitui who he said had suffered under Ngilu’s government. He added that Kitui county lagged in development compared to other counties and if he will be elected after the August polls he will restore the glory of Kitui.

The former Kitui boss also drummed support for ODM leader Raila Odinga the Azimio One Kenya presidential candidate saying that the Kamba community will benefit a lot from the Azimio government if Raila becomes the president.

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