
Vuusya Ungu’s response to his ‘Dirty Music’ Critics

Kamba Benga artist Dominic Muasya famously known as ‘Vuusya Ungu’ has addressed critics who keep referring to his music as dirty.

Some of Vuusya ungu’s songs like ‘Helicopter’ have attracted criticism from a section of his fans who say that the song cannot be listened to, with parents.

During an interview with a YouTuber, Vuusya Ungu agreed that some of his music was dirty.

He further questioned why someone in their right mind would buy a love song to go and listen to with their mother.

“Those saying my songs are dirty are the ones who are dirtier, if you buy my music you should listen with your age mates, if you take it to your mother then you’re stupid,” he said.

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Vuusya Ungu who has been singing for over 15 years has mastered his art by composing love songs which he says are based on real-life events.

In 2017, Vuusya unga together with his colleagues in the industry Katombi and Maima found themselves at loggerheads with the then KFCB boss Ezekiel Mutua when he accused them of promoting sexual immorality through their songs.

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