Reprieve for ailing Machakos Health sector after KEMSA disburses drugs

After months of running without drugs and essentials such as syringes and gloves, on Thursday (May 26th), Machakos County Deputy Governor Eng. Francis Maliti received medical supplies from KEMSA at Machakos Level 5 Hospital.

Machakos Level 5 Hospital which serves as a referral facility was worst hit following the lack of essential medical supplies such as drugs, syringes, and gloves among others. Patients who were coming to seek treatment were given a list of PPEs and drugs to buy by the doctors.

So dire the situation was such that cleaners also downed tools 2 months ago and the doctors and nurses followed thereafter.

KEMSA disbursed drugs worth 60 million, which according to Deputy Governor Maliti will be used for around 2 months.

“Today we have received drugs from KEMSA here at Machakos Level 5 Hospital. We expect the drugs that will be sent to our hospitals to serve us in the next 2 months. So our people should be assured of proper health services. I know we might not have some of the drugs in Hospitals if I may say, but the most essential drugs have been brought. ” Maliti told Mauvoo News at Machakos Level 5.

Maliti said that the drugs will be distributed to Machakos hospitals, among them level 5, level 4, level 3, and level 1 hospitals in the Sub-counties.

“I am glad to say that today here at Machakos Level 5 hospital we have 2 lorries full of drugs. Some of the drugs that have been missing in our hospitals are for treating our children, drugs for diabetes and hypertension but now our people will be able to access these drugs in our hospitals.” He added.

The Machakos County Deputy Governor who is also aspiring for Machakos Gubernatorial Seat revealed that the long period of starvation with no drugs was due to County budget challenges.

On 1st May 2022, Machakos Health CECM Dr. Ruth Mutua speaking about the Health crisis had promised to have drugs in hospitals by the end of the month of May and to also prioritize payments for outsourced service providers like cleaners.

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