Appoint New Health CECM To Curb Health Crisis In Machakos, Governor Mutua Told

Kangundo MP Fabian Kyule Muli opening a class in Kyelendu Primary. (Photo credit -Juline/Mauvoo)

Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua has been asked to appoint a new Health CECM to curb the health crisis that is facing the county.

Speaking after opening two classes in Kyelendu Primary School built by the CDF, Kangundo MP Fabian Kyule Muli said that it was sad to hear residents crying for drugs in hospitals without the county government acting.

He noted that the former CECM Dr. Ancent Kituku opened a dispensary in Kyelendu and on the opening day he came with health workers and drugs but the following day they were nowhere to be seen and no one can be questioned since the ministry has no CECM as he resigned to vie for an elective seat.

“We have heard a cry from the public concerning the health sector in the county, you came at Kyelendu launched a dispensary, the doctors and equipment you came with you went back with them leaving it closed with nothing operating,” Kangundo MP said.

“The Governor should give us a new CECM because the one launching the projects has resigned, why work when he has already resigned, we need a CEC who will hearken the cry of our people,” he added.

Dr. Ancent Kituku who was the CECM Health and Emergency Services in Machakos County resigned so that he can contest for Kangundo MP seat.

Kituku while appearing before Machakos County Assembly General oversight committee in January said he needed 1.6 billion to resolve the health crisis in the County. This was on top of the 4.3 billion that had been allocated for the 2021/2022 Financial year. If the department gets the request for 1.6 billion, it will have received half of the county budget.

Dr. Kituku then lamented that the health department is underfunded, despite receiving the lion’s share of the county budget.

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