
Mwangangi: Wiper infighting threatening Kalonzo’s focus

Machakos Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi has called for a ceasefire among leaders in Wiper to help Kalonzo Musyoka focus on his presidential bid.

While speaking in Mitaboni, Kathiani sub-county Mwangangi noted that the in-house fights will only distract Kalonzo who should be busy with national politics.

He said that it is not the time to fight each other but to tolerate one another and bring the community together for the greater good of the region.

“It’s so sad that we who should be bringing people together are the ones fighting and washing our dirty linen in public. We will not allow Kalonzo to come here and solve issues about us, we are mature let’s act accordingly,” said Mwangangi.

He said that when leaders are speaking with one voice it is possible to lobby for development and positions and get them.

His statement was supported by Governor Wavinya Ndeti who noted that undoubtedly Kalonzo is being accepted in other regions an indication that the presidency is near him.

Mwangangi and Wavinya had accompanied Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka to the funeral of a Wiper diehard Mary Muthiani.

Other leaders present included Kathiani MP Robert Mbui, Machakos Senator Agnes Kavindu, and a section of Machakos MCAs.

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