
Kalonzo: MCA Maeke is UDA project to destabilize Wiper in Machakos

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka wants State House to clear the air on MCA Maeke’s claims as a UDA project to destabilize Wiper party in Machakos county.

Speaking at a church service in Kajiado County, Kalonzo said the MCA boasts of being sent by the state house comptroller.

Kalonzo has urged state house comptroller Ole Katoo who hails from Kajiado to make it clear if the MCA is sent to disrupt unity of wiper within Machakos.

He warned the wiper Leaders in Machakos to beware of political traps.

Kalonzo’s claims come after a drama was recently witnessed in Machakos high court as the Kalama MCA was undressed and arrested by county Askaris. Maeke is currently nursing a broken arm and leg at a Nairobi Hospital.

During the church service at Kajiado, Kalonzo was accompanied by Kajiado Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho, Former Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, Machakos County women representative Joyce Kamene, Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti, Makueni Senator Daniel Maanzo, Kathiani MP Robert Mbui among other leaders.

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