Celebrated Radio Presenter Jimmy Malombe alias Musungu Kyumbe has hinted at coming back to Radio after a long break.
Musungu has been ailing for over three years after being diagnosed with kidney failure, blood clots, and high blood pressure.
The presenter underwent dialysis and radiotherapy and if his recent Facebook post is something to go by his voice will be heard on the airwaves very soon.
In the Facebook post, Musungu wrote, “It’s done and I believe in that big name of our creator’.
The writings were accompanied by a poster of the early morning ‘Amuka na Mbaitu’ show which he co-hosted with fellow presenter Sammy Mulinge also known as Man Mbilo at Mbaitu FM.
His fans and colleagues could not hold their excitement and welcome him back to the airwaves.

Here are some of the reactions;
“Can’t wait to hear your voice mbulatha, selector mwenyewe nundu wa pazia la hekalu,” said Mercy Mawia.
Dan Kiamba said, “My favorite welcome back, I told u one day you will overcome and it has happened,sifa zote kwa Mungu”.
“We miss your voice and the nice laughter welcome back sir, God is good,” Joel Kitana added.
“I really appreciate your shows every morning, the Mbaitu brothers can’t wait to hear your voice,” wrote one Makarios Musya.
Mwikali Nzioki added, “Wow thanks be to the most high missing to hear your voice and presentation back in the studio one people one program one station.
Early this year news about Musungu’s death spread like wildfire till he came out to dispute and ensure his followers that he is okay and responding to treatment. They had confused him with a Kitui blogger Ben Mzungu who had died.