
Matungulu: Lady Pastor Commits Suicide

A lady pastor from Ngomano in Matungulu Subcounty of Machakos County has committed suicide.

Confirming the incident Kyanzavi Location Chief Daniel Munyao said that the lady was a pastor at AIC Kwa Mutula in Kathama Mwala Sub-county.

He revealed that the lady pastor had come to his office with her husband with an issue at their home and he referred them to their parents’ home so that they could sort their issues.

Later on, he received news that the lady had committed suicide. He went ahead to urge people who have issues not to take things into their own hands.

“There is a lady who came to my office together with her husband they had an issue and I referred them to their parents’ home,” said Chief Munyao.

“Later I got the news that she had committed suicide something that came as a shocker to me. My plea is that when you have issues seek someone who can assist you,” he added.

The body was moved to Matuu Level 4 Hospital for preservation.

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