Matuu: 2 robbers arrested after robbing Masii man of hard-earned cash

Police in Matuu, Yatta sub-county of Machakos County Friday evening arrested two robbers for being involved in a robbery.

The two, a lady and a man were arrested after their vehicle was blocked by residents as they were entering Matuu town.

According to an eye witness, the two had stolen an unknown amount of money from a man in King’atuani, Masii -Mwala sub-county.

It is said that the man who was robbed was dropped at Bishop Nding’i market center before the robbers fled to Yatta.

According to the eye witness, the man who had been robbed signaled people in Matuu who intercepted the car at the market and caught them.

The eyewitness went on to add that the robbers were three and as they tried to escape the rowdy crowd at Yatta, their car entered a ditch and one of them fled.

Police launched investigations as a manhunt commented to look for the third culprit.

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