Makueni: Locals decry lack of drugs in hospitals

Locals from Nguumo ward in Makueni County have called upon the County Government to ensure the hospitals have drugs.

Some of the patients at Syumile Dispensary claimed that after being diagnosed they are sent to buy drugs from outside the hospital. This they say has proven to be a challenge to those without money.

“You are given a prescription and told to go and buy drugs outside because the hospital has none. Where do we get the money if getting food is a problem? We would like to urge the Governor to ensure the hospitals are equipped with drugs mostly at the dispensary level,” said a local.

The Hospital they claim also lacks a consistent supply of water forcing inpatients to come with a Jerrican of water to use.

“Mostly expectant women coming to give birth comes with a 20-liter jerrican which they will use after giving birth, ” another local narrated.

“When you visit the Hospital and find such problems you are left confused. Mostly it is the person you have brought for medical attention who bears the brunt when nothing is working,” she added.

Mauvoo News learned that the borehole the hospital was depending on has issues thus cutting short access to water.

The situation is the same at the Ilatu and Kaunguni Dispensaries where only supplements are left at the pharmacy.

The County Government supplied drugs to the hospitals in October last year and most of them have been used up.

Area MCA Muthiani Mwangangi while attending a burial in the Ward noted that he will continue pressurizing the Government to bring drugs to Hospitals.

The County lawmaker also urged the County Government to ensure the hospital has access to clean water in a bid to ensure the hospitals are clean.

“If we don’t speak nothing will be done, at our hospitals, there are no drugs, not even a simple paracetamol. I spoke to Governor Mutula about the lack of clean water in our hospitals, the boreholes we depended on have become faulty,” Muthiani noted.

Last week, Makueni Senator Daniel Maanzo said Governors are not to blame for failing healthcare in Counties. Missed the story? check it out;

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