
Makueni County Government asked to set aside land for another cemetery at Makindu Hospital

The Chair Nurses Union Makindu Level 4 Hospital Muriuki Muruathika has called upon the County Government of Makueni to set aside land to construct a cemetery.

Muriuki while addressing the media said that it has been a challenge burying the bodies brought by police, the unidentified bodies, and those which have overstayed in the hospital’s morgue, forcing them to bury the bodies in one grave.

“We do not know where our cemetery is because there are buildings erected on the area which had been set aside. We are currently using the small portion that has remained”, he decried.

He lamented the buildings are hindering access to the remaining portion, urging the Government to intervene and evict the intruders or to purchase another land.

“I urge the County Government to set another land or evict those who have encroached our cemetery, demarcate and fence it so as to have a specific area to bury the bodies”, he added.

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