
Machakos Women Rep Kamene decries the politicization of her projects

Machakos County Women Representative Joyce Kamene Kasimbi has decried the politicization of NGAAF Projets by some leaders. Kamene came out guns blazing to defend herself from claims that she is selling water tanks to community-based organizations (CBOS) started during her tenure.

Speaking while giving macadamia seedlings to CBOs in Kanzokea, Kangundo Subcounty of Machakos County, Kamene said that leaders who were defaming her should stop as she was not selling any tanks to anyone but rather helping the community in an initiative she was among the first to start in the country.

“Am hearing rumours about our water tanks projects, it has been a good project over the years, for the ones trying to ruin that project I don’t even know how you can do that if you are saying that you want leadership and yet you are ruining development,” Kamene said.

“Do not wake up and start telling us that water tanks are free and we are selling them, if they are free why is it not that all the counties have the project? We are the ones who started subsidized prizes of water tanks to help our women in ensuring they do not go long distances looking for water,” She went on,

Kasimbi further revealed that when elected for the second term she was going to start a programme about leadership that was going to train youths and women to venture more into leadership.

“For my second term if you give me the opportunity I am going to ensure that I start a programme about leadership all over the county, our women are fearing to venture into leadership roles and we want to have the majority of them in the next election,” She promised.


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