Looming political showdown as Makau promises to take on Wavinya next year

A rising heat of political discourse between Machakos governor Wavinya Ndeti and MPs from the County seems to be getting worse.

Recently, Wavinya noted that lawmakers castigating her are misguided and are interested in her position. 

The latest to answer her is Mavoko MP Patrick Makau who has asked Ndeti to learn to take constructive criticism in her political discourses instead of defending herself aimlessly when criticized.

Makau warmed that next year he will not hold himself back and keep quiet when the locals of Machakos continue to suffer without tangible development.

“When I go to Machakos town, Marikiti market and see the sad state I wish I had been elected the governor and planned the market because I know how I was raised. This year I am very calm but come next year I will speak out,” said Makau.

Makau hinted at possible corruption in the county government involving overpricing of development projects and such cases should not be taken lightly.

He said that every leader has to be transparent and tell the residents how development funds are used whenever asked.

“Don’t punish criticism instead take it positively and see where the problem is then deliver positively on it. Beating and stripping people naked is not the solution,” said Makau.

Makau spoke at the funeral of Masinga MP Joshua Mwalyo’s sister in Mbitini, Machakos.

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