List of Machakos County Secondary School Games Winners

Several Schools from Machakos County are set to move to Regionals after the recently concluded County Secondary School Games.

St. Francis Katangi Boys High School trounced their opponents Muvuti in Hockey to emerge winners of the game. They won three points to one in the shootouts after Muvuti failed to score in the four quarters.

Ben Muia, Katangi Boys Games Master said that they had high hopes in the team and they hope to defend their title in the regionals to remain the Hockey champions in both County and the Region without a penalty shootout.

“Last season, we were the Eastern Region champions and we were in position 6 at the National level. Our hope is that we are going to defend our championship in Meru and even do much better at the National level,” said Ben.

Katwanyaa Mixed Day and Boarding Secondary School emerged as the County Rugby winners. They beat St. Augustine school in Mavoko 14 points to 0.

Mauvoo News got an opportunity to speak to the games master of Katwanyaa High School, Frazier Kioko who revealed that a lot of teamwork and practice secured their win and they are also hopeful of going to the National Level.

“We beat Muvuti High School in the semi-finals and we also beat St. Augustine in the finals 14 points to zero. We are here because of great teamwork, discipline, and training well. Mr. Simiyu our coach has been of great help to us because he goes out of his way to train the team and we we can proudly say we are the best in the country,” said Kioko.

AIC Nyayo Girls won the Girls’ hockey category against Kiundwani Girls. Muthetheni Girls won Girls’ Basketball, and Lukenya School won boys’ Basketball against Machakos School.

St. Austine Matuu Day Secondary won in the Boys’ Handball games while in the Girls’ Handball games, Charles Muli Inyaanzani Secondary school emerged as winners.

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