
Kitui Deputy Governor message to leaders doing 2027 politics

Kitui Deputy Governor Wambua Kanani has urged leaders yearning for various seats come 2027 especially those already elected to deliver on their mandate first.

Speaking at a burial in Mui ward he noted that early campaigns in Kitui and Kenya at large are setting a poor precedent of none performance and no accountability as the electorate are subjected to campaigns year in and year out, given no time to digest development blueprints of the already elected leaders.

“Without wavering, I will give ultimate support to our Governor so that He can deliver to the great people of Kitui. Leaders neglecting their duties because of a misty seat somewhere must first deliver their promises, then we meet come 2027,” said Kanani.

The Deputy Governor further said that the County Government of Kitui under the leadership of Dr. Julius Malombe is constructing Nzamba Kitonga Memorial Hospital and a KMTC.

” Let us take advantage of its proximity and have our children take medical courses.” Urged Kanani.

The Deputy Governor also intimated that the County Government is in the process of allocating bursaries to needy and vulnerable students, and will work to ensure that all county resources are utilized locally by Kitui people. Kanani said that they will work closely and collaboratively with all elected leaders as well as repair and maintenance of roads and infrastructure that had been adversely affected by Elnino rains.

“In Mui Ward alone, we are doing many projects like the ongoing repair of Kateiko drift, construction of Kwa Mukura slab along Mwingi Lundi Road, renovation of Mathuki health center, renovation of Muyuni dispensary, fencing of Mui Marker and Solarization of Mathuki Primary school borehole among many others,” Kanani said.

In attendance was area MCA Cornelius Muthami, Kitui Women Representative Dr. Irene Kasalu, former Kitui East MP Muthusi Kithonga, Agriculture CECM Dr. Mbaya Kimwele, Roads Chief Officer Kyamia among others.

The late Kamene was praised by many as a polished politician and a philanthropist who championed education, more so for the girl child.

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