
Kalonzo sends strong warning to Kitui MCAs

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has fired warning shots at MCAs from Kitui County defying the changes made in the majority leadership in the Assembly.

Speaking in Maai village, Mwingi central sub-county of Kitui county on Thursday, Kalonzo said there are leaders using his name and the Wiper party to acquire positions and then later begin sabotaging him from within.

Kalonzo said the fights were shaming him as Kitui County is his home and noted he will not hesitate in dealing with the rebels hiding in the party defying orders of the party.

“If you are a wiper leader it’s either you toe the line or ship out, there are many parties out there you can join, Kenya has many parties, from today I want to see real change in Kitui,” said Kalonzo.

He said the party’s decision about the house leadership should be respected.

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Last month the Wiper party made changes in the house leadership where a new Majority leader Munywoki Mwinzi was proposed to replace Harrison Maluki.

Kanyangi Member of County Assembly Boniface Mukwate who was the majority whip was also set to be replaced by Daniel Ngoima.

However, the speaker Kinengo Katisya failed to acknowledge the new team thus causing the wrangles that have been witnessed.

The speaker had received a letter regarding the changes but trashed it calling it unprocedural as per the County Assembly standing orders.

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