
Governor Wavinya: My dream for Machakos

Wavinya Ndeti and her Deputy Francis Mwangangi took oath of office on Thursday (25th August) at Kenyatta Stadium Machakos. During the speech, Wavinya outlined her dream for Machakos county which is in 3 pillars; food security, empowerment, and infrastructure development.

Wavinya undertook to bring back the culture of due process, accountability, and transparency in the county. Further, she committed to prioritizing public participation and civic engagement all this under the clarion call ‘chakula mezani, pesa mfukoni’.

“It is not going to be business as usual. Decisions in my government will be a product of teamwork, and consultation guided by public participation. I believe the government exists to serve the people, I believe government exists to chart a common path and create enabling environment for the residents to not only dream but realize their dreams and achieve their full potential.” She said.

On Food Security, Wavinya pledged to subsidize farm inputs, and develop agro-processing industries with a focus on value addition and sustainable markets for their produce.

On the social-economic pillar, she pledged to train youths on entrepreneurship and employability and endeavor to provide linkages to employment opportunities. The ward development fund and wikwatyo revolving fund are some of the focus areas in this pillar. On education, she undertook to invest in child development by introducing feeding programs to ECDs and establishing daycares – ‘Wavinya baby care’ to enable mothers to attend productive areas of their lives. She also promised to partner with other counties in SEKEB.

On infrastructure, she committed to improving all roads to facilitate linkages to markets. On water, she promised clean water for homes, and agricultural use.

In the first 100 days, she promised to ensure hospitals have adequate drugs, form a committee to evaluate pending bills, provision of agricultural equipment and seeds. She also vowed to establish a committee on climate change and review and streamline waste management.

“The time for playing is over. I want to assure county workers that no one will be victimized. I am going to work with everybody as a team. I want to thank Governor Mutua for handing over smoothly. For the ongoing projects, we must conclude them because they are using public resources.” She concluded.

She also called on her competitors in the Gubernatorial race to come forward and join hands for the good of the county saying politics was over. The second Governor of Machakos promised to work with all elected leaders in the county despite the parties they come from


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