Former Mbooni MP Kisoi Munyao on why he Left Wiper for Muungano

A past photo of Former Mbooni MP Kisoi Munyao. (Photo -Courtesy)

Former Mbooni MP Kisoi Michael Munyao has disclosed why he has left the Wiper party months after re-joining. In an exclusive interview with Mauvoo News Kisoi who seeks to reclaim his seat disclosed he will be vying on a Muungano ticket.

Kisoi expressed fear that the nominations in Wiper would not be free and fair. He added that his decision to switch parties was arrived after wide consultation.

He however stated that his relationship with Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka is still intact.

“I am a strong believer in democracy, rule of law, fairness and justice. Moving to Muungano, a partner party to Azimio was a decision arrived after wide consultations from my supporters, friends, political advisors, clergy and business persons who felt that I may not get a fair and just playing filed for nominations in Wiper party taking into account previous experiences,” Kisoi said.

“My relationship with Wiper and party leader Kalonzo Musyoka is warm and cordial to date. Furthermore we all subscribe to the same political ideology of Azimio,” Kisoi added.

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He divulged that his record is satisfactory and he plans on doing more for his people. Among his priorities if he is elected is to complete some of the stalled projects since his tenure.

“I will also open up more social, economic and political growth for the people of Mbooni,” he noted.

The politician went ahead to poke holes into the incumbent Erastus Kivasu’s regime stating that he has failed terribly. According to him the lawmaker has concentrated on one agenda forgetting about the key role which is development.

“He has miserably failed to meet the leadership expectations of Mbooni people as compared to my term especially in development matters. Over concentration and over-dependency on one agenda Women fund, Bursaries and funerals attendance have formed 98 percent of his work schedule ignoring all the other vital sectors of development. Mbooni people are development conscious,” he went on.

He also expressed confidence that he will win the August elections. On the power struggles between Kalonzo and the three Ukambani governors in Azimio, Kisoi noted that if they don’t agree then the community will continue to suffer. He called upon the leaders to iron out their issues early and focus on the betterment of the community.

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