Forget hefty allowances and conferences – Governor Mutula to County employees

Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has asked county employees to forget hefty perks and unnecessary conferences.

Speaking during the swearing-in ceremony of Makueni County Executive Committee Members and the County Attorney, Mutula Jnr said that a circular from the national government indicated that there are no enough resources and thus they will need to cut expenses such as allowances and conferences.

“Imagine at the national government there is no money, do you think there is money at the county? so we have to limit some things that are not useful, conferences that are not necessary, forget about that; all those allowances have seen in my office forget about them,” Mutula said.

The Governor pointed out that the main goal is to deliver for the people of Makueni and that’s what the residents expect from them, especially since there is hunger, inadequate medicine, and a lack of water in the county. He added that the people expect that the county government will look for a market for their agricultural products such as mangos, boost agriculture in the county and ensure that the people benefit from the agricultural activities.

“We must look for a market for the mangos from Makueni, we make juice from the available fruits and sell it where we must sell it and that’s why I’m very keen that we must rethink our strategy on agriculture. Someone described marketers as people who can sell sand in a desert and go selling dogs door to door and that is what we are going to do,” he remarked as those who attended the swearing-in broke into laughter.

He requested Makueni residents to pray for the county staff and give moral support to them so that they can be energized as they strive to work for them.

“The technical team should be ready for heavy tasks ahead, especially in sports where we need to become better. We need Ken Obuya who is the chairman of Cricket here in Makueni and introduce cricket here because we need talents as an opportunity for young people to earn a living because we can’t employ everybody,” the vocal Governor added.

Mutula Jnr revealed that in Makueni there are 3,900 staff workers and each of them should be held accountable for the value they added to Makueni, he called upon Japheth Mang’oka who is the CEC for Devolution, Public Service, Pubic Participation and Special Programs to ensure the employees work for the people of Makueni.

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