
Yatta MP Basil hits MCA Mbili Ndawa below the belt

Yatta MP Robert Basil has come out guns blazing at Matuu MCA Judas Mbili Ndawa after he asked him to stop insulting the President last week.

Addressing the press in Parliament, Basil said that he did not insult or nickname the president but his habit of taxing Kenyans more is what has earned him nicknames.

“Those going round making noise that we are nicknaming the president are not hungry and some have big tummies because they have eaten and are full. ” Basil said.

He noted that the president was taxing Kenyans more and even going to the extent of taxing the things that are being used by the local mwananchi.

“I respect the President of Kenya, what makes him be nicknamed and called “Zakayo” is because of the high taxation he has put on Kenyans. He is likened to Zachaeeus in the bible who used to tax people that’s why the president is being referred so,” said Basil.

“When the president wakes up and adds more taxes is what is causing Kenyans to call him “Zakayo” because Kenyans are frustrated, people are suffering especially Yatta residents,” he added.

This comes days after Matuu ward MCA who is also the Machakos County Assembly Minority Leader Judas Mbili Ndawa warned the legislator against nicknaming the president saying that this would cause the president not to develop Yatta.

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