Wavinya’s strategy to end drug theft in Machakos hospitals

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has instructed Health CECM Daniel Yumbya to ensure the drugs from KEMSA distributed to hospitals in the county are branded.

Speaking in the Kathiani sub-county Wavinya noted that there have been cases of drugs being stolen from hospitals by some of the health workers.

She said that branding the drugs will deter theft of the drugs and avoid being sold in drug stores.

Wavinya added that the county government spends millions in ensuring drugs are stocked in the hospitals only for them to be stolen through backdoors and end up in the nearest chemists.

“I am instructing you to ensure the drugs we buy from KEMSA are branded like the milk we are supplying in schools. They should be written ‘Machakos county’ and ‘not for sale’,” said Wavinya.

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The governor urged health workers to ensure the drugs entrusted to them benefit the patients arriving at the hospitals. She recalled an event where a health worker left drugs unattended at a hospital counter.

Wavinya disclosed that during an impromptu visit, her people took the drugs and took them to her.

“I have the drugs and once the public participation exercise is over, I will give Yumbya the drugs but rest assured that the officers who left the drugs in the open will go home,” she added.

Wavinya also asked leaders from the region to avoid politicking about health matters in the county as the government was doing its best to ensure better healthcare.

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