Wavinya appoints new Sports CEC after Resignation of Onesmus Muasya

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has appointed a new Gender, Sports, Youth, and Social Welfare CEC after Onesmus Muasya resigned from his position.

John Mwangangi Kilonzo was vetted by the County Assembly Of Machakos last week after he was appointed by Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti.

“The County Assembly and the Appointments Committee has this morning conducted the vetting exercise of the Country Executive Committee Member(CECM) Department of Gender, Youth, Sports, and Social Welfare, Mr. John Kilonzo,” read a Facebook post by the Assembly.

“The Committee rigorously evaluated the qualifications, experience, and suitability of the candidate for this vital position. The candidate was nominated by the Governor, H.E Wavinya Ndeti for the position,” The post went on.

Onesmus Muasya popularly known as Sky resigned last month under unclear circumstances.


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