On Monday Evening (23rd May), reports emerged from St. Charles Lwanga School in Kitui Central that the students were holding demonstrations.
According to reports, the students protested after the school principal denied them some of the things that they had been doing.
The students went on a rampage as they broke window panes, and the police officers were called to calm the situation. They were tear-gassed by the police, which made them run and go to hide in the nearby forest.
Some of the parents, when they heard about the demos came to the school on Tuesday morning to ascertain whether it was true.
However, on arriving at the school to get a response from the school principal, the parents revealed that they were denied access to the school premises. They alleged that they found priests at the gate who were rude to them when they inquired about the whereabouts of their children.
“The parents are not being listened to, even the person purported to be taking care of the learners is so emotional and is a Father, so if he is so emotional to the parents, what about the children. As we stand outside the gate, we are aware some students have been arrested in town, and we don’t know after they have been arrested where they were taken,” one of the parents told Mauvoo News.
The parents lamented that they were not listened to even after demanding to know whether all the students were safe at school. They requested the administration to learn to listen to all the stakeholders in the school for a fruitful dialogue.
The students demanded the new principal be transferred from the school since he had not been listening to them. Mauvoo News established that the school was closed indefinitely, and the students were released to go home until further notice.
St. Charles Lwanga is among the top-performing schools in Kitui county and Eastern Kenya at large. In 2021 KCSE, the school had a mean of 8.95.