The lower Eastern Region (Ukambani) now leads in Radio Listenership in Kenya. This is according to the Communication Authority of Kenya Audience Measurement and Industry Trends report for January- March 2024.
Lower Eastern has 83 percent of Radio listenership, tied with the Lake region, Western region, and Rift Valley follow closely at 82 percent.
According to the study, males have a greater affinity for radio listenership in
comparison to females. The inclination is noticeable among older individuals – the listenership of radio demonstrates a consistent upward trend as age increases.
The rural areas experience a greater listenership than urban areas whilst the lower LSMs exhibit the highest radio consumption as compared to the higher ones. Urban areas lead in TV watching compared to the Rural areas.
Over the course of three-quarters of the 2023/2024 Financial year, patterns of consumption stayed steady. Mobile phones account for about one-third of radio listenership, yet traditional radio sets still dominate as the main method for engaging with the radio.

Here is a list of Kamba radio stations;