
Mule declares confidence in Kalonzo’s 2027 Presidential bid

Matungulu MP Stephen Mule has expressed confidence in Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s presidential bid.

Addressing parents and students at Tala Girls Primary School during the inauguration of a modern computer lab, Mule urged Kenyans to rally behind Kalonzo.

He emphasized the importance of supporting Kalonzo, describing him as the sole remedy for the country’s political and economic woes.

“I call upon all Kenyans to vote for Kalonzo even more fervently than they did in the 2022 general elections. Based on our extensive campaigns for Kalonzo nationwide, I can confidently assert that victory for Kalonzo is assured in the 2027 general election,” declared the legislator.

Highlighting Kalonzo’s political track record rooted in reform and selfless nationalism. Mr. Mule emphasized that the Kamba community can no longer afford to gamble with leadership.

“I urge all leaders in the Ukambani region to unite because we cannot passively await leadership to be handed to us. We must actively pursue it,” urged the MP.

He asked the Kamba community to learn from other ethnic groups and approach the 2027 election united in support of Kalonzo, who enjoys backing from various communities across Kenya.

Mule also welcomed President William Ruto’s suggestion to nominate Raila Odinga for the position of AU Chair, considering it a positive development. He expressed hope that Raila would reciprocate the gesture by supporting Wiper party leader Kalonzo in the 2027 general election.

The MP pledged to secure enough votes for Kalonzo in the Ukambani region and urged Kenyans to cast their votes for Kalonzo in the 2027 general election.

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