Middle-aged man’s body retrieved from Kalundu River, Kitui

The scene where a man's body was found in river Kalundu in Majengo, Kitui Central in Kitui County. (Photo -Joshua/Mauvoo)

A middle-aged man’s body was on Friday found floating on river Kalundu in Majengo, Kitui Central in Kitui County.

Zena Rashid, Majengo Assistant Chief confirming the incident and revealed that on Thursday at around 9 am there were clothes found at the riverbank of River Kalundu belonging to an unknown person.

“A bodaboda rider came to my office to report that he had seen clothes at the river and he wasn’t seeing the owner of the clothes at the river. I came to the river but I never saw anyone but the clothes were still there,” Madam Zena narrated.

She added that they were informed by the police to wait for 24 hours to know whether it was true that there was someone drowned in the water because the riverbank isn’t a deep end.

“On Friday morning Issah who is the village elder came to call me at my home and informed me that there is someone who has been seen floating at the water facing downwards, I then came at the scene and called the OCS to come at the scene,” Zena added.

The body was then retrieved from the water and the residents of Majengo identified the body of the man which was later taken by the police to Kitui level 4 mortuary.

One of the residents who spoke to Mauvoo News stated, “I’m an occasional visitor of this place where I come to wash my motorbike and I came, as usual, to wash it only to find people surrounding this place, when the body was retrieved we found that it was one of us who we grew up together here in Majengo and was working at the Kitui Municipal council with the lorry that carries garbage here in Kitui. The residents requested the county government to deploy watchmen or security guards since it isn’t the first time for such a case to happen. “Mitau a resident from Majengo said.

“This place is just a few meters from Kalundu dam and last year there was a boy from Majengo who drowned there and the county government did nothing about it and also you find that children are playing at the river recklessly,” Mitau added.

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