
Makueni UDA leaders warn of dire consequences if Ukambani leaders fail to work with Ruto

A section of leaders allied to President William Ruto from Makueni county have castigated Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka over what they termed as restricting leaders from working with the government.

The leaders led by Willy Malile who unsuccessfully vied for Kibwezi East MP in last year’s August polls said Kalonzo is looking to see Ukambani languish in hunger and underdevelopment if he continued controlling leaders from his party.

Malile noted that it’s not possible to fight the Government and expect it to serve you at the same time.

“How will you approach these offices and demand for development when you have been standing at podiums calling out the president and his government? Let’s agree that you don’t fight the government and expect development, the two don’t go together,” said Malile.

“If we want development from the government we need to be humble. We have so many mega projects in Ukambani that can open up the region and create many join opportunities if they are completed,” he added.

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Malile noted that being in opposition would not help the Kamba community and Kalonzo should retrace his steps.

Other leaders present at the presser were Former Makueni MP candidate Francis Mutungi who said the National Government has a lot of funds that can help Kambaland.

“Let Kalonzo allow even the lawmakers, MCAs, senators, and even Women Representatives to work with the Government without fear,” said Mutungi.

Last week while speaking in Makueni Kalonzo declared that the Ukambani Governors were free to work with Ruto but should not forget their party.

During a retreat at Naivasha, the Wiper leaders declared they are in opposition and fully support the rallies and demos being held countrywide by the Azimio coalition.

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