
Machakos Health CEC speaks on Masii Level 3 Hospital toilets closure

Machakos CEC Health Dr. Daniel Yumbya has come out to speak on the closure of toilets at Masii Level 3 Hospital.

In an interview with Mauvoo News, Yumbya said that the toilets at the facility were functional and only two of them had been locked as a way of preventing the spread of diseases.

Yumbya went on to clarify that the county government through the Department of Health has scheduled for construction that is underway noting that they had advertised and are waiting for the contractor to start building a four-block toilet in the facility.

“The hospital has four toilet blocks and as we speak two are functional and two have been closed because of their state,” said  Dr. Yumbya.

“As the Department of Health, we have scheduled for construction of four toilet blocks that will aid the residents visiting the hospital. Construction is underway as we have already advertised for the contract to be awarded but now as we speak two toilets are functioning and two are closed,” he added.

This comes after residents from the area complained that the toilets in the facility had been closed for three months now and this was becoming a problem for the residents that visit the hospital.

They went on to say that the closure of these toilets has led to them when needed of lab results go to the toilets at Masii police station calling on the county government to act as soon as possible.

“We have been suffering since the closure of these toilets. It has been three months now since the toilets were closed and when we come here we end up going to borrow toilets outside the facility which is hectic,” said one of the residents.

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