
Kawaya to Petition Parliament to Gazette 2 Machakos Sub-counties as Hardship Areas

Mwala MP Eng. Vincent Musyoka alias Kawaya has promised to petition the Parliament to Gazette two sub-counties in Machakos as hardship areas.

Kawaya pointed out that the sub-counties have for a long time been ignored which is very concerning.

“Mwala and Kalama sub-counties qualify by all standards to be gazetted as hardship areas. Putting all considerations at play, the aforementioned areas have for long been ignored in listing them as hardship areas,” Kawaya on his Facebook page said.

The MP was speaking after meeting with Machakos County KUPPET Executive Committee members who gave him details on why the 2 areas qualify as hardship zones.

“We cannot have a situation where some areas are left out while others are included without any justification. The criteria for the gazettement should be well defined and in this regard, I held a meeting with Machakos County KUPPET Executive Committee members who presented to me a memoranda detailing why the 2 areas need to be enlisted as hardship zones,” he added.

“I will move with speed to draft a parliamentary petition aimed at gazetting the two sub-counties,” he concluded.

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