
Kavindu: Wavinya has not failed in her job

Machakos Senator Agnes Kavindu has refuted claims that she has ganged up with Governor Wavinya Ndeti thus being unable to oversight the County Government.

Speaking during the burial of her brother Kavindu said that Governor Wavinya is doing her job well and she(Kavindu) has not found anything to criticize.

She noted that she could not keep quiet and would spring to action if anything is going wrong.

“I have heard people say that I’m too close to the Governor to oversight her. I would like to tell my people that I haven’t found any fault with the Governor. I said it clearly even before she assumed office that I will be the first person to speak out if she fails to discharge her duties diligently,” Kavindu said.

Speaking on the issue, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka who was present said that the residents should not expect Kavindu and Wavinya to fight yet they are in the same party.

He asked Kavindu to fight for more funds to be brought to the County so that the Governor can do more development.

Other leaders who attended the burial include Machakos Woman Representative Kamene Kasimbi, Machakos Chief of Staff Lawrence Ngovi, Health boss Daniel Yumbya, and Tala ward MCA Jackson Ndaka among other leaders.

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