Kasolo gives conditions to attend the September Kamba Festival

Gospel artist Stephen Kasolo has given conditions for him to attend the next Kamba Festival organized by Nicholas Kioko and Rick Be.

While speaking during an interview with Rick Be when he called Kasolo and Kioko to reconcile them, Kasolo told them that they should write a formal invitation to him since he is a respected gospel artist and a notable political figure.

“We have already forgiven each other but I will not come to this second edition. I will come to the third one, let this season first pass. The other Kamba Festival I promise I will come,” Kasolo told Rick B and Nicholas Kioko.

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However, Rick Be persuaded him that last time they never invited him but they have invited him to the second edition so he should not decline the invitation. Kasolo told them that they should invite him officially instead of just persuading him on Social Media.

“You can’t just call me live on camera and expect me to just accept. Don’t you know that I’m a senior person in our community? Please do a formal letter inviting me to come, you can even send it with Uber to my house for my wife to see it and also approve,” Kasolo told the duo.

Kasolo, Nicholas Kioko, and Rick Be promised to support each other in their fields adding that they are from the same community hence there is no need to have bad blood amongst themselves.

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