Rick Be responds to Kasolo’s remarks on Kamba Festival

Blogger Rick Be has responded to Stephen Kasolo on why he didn’t invite him to perform during the Kamba Festival held last weekend.

Rick Be cleared the air that together with Nicholas Kioko they had no intention to exclude anyone from their show.

He said that financial constraints were one of the issues that made them not invite all the artists since it was just their first event to organize and thus they did not have enough sponsors to facilitate them to invite all the artists from Ukambani.

“This is the first season of the Kamba Festival, we have just started and so we have plans for other big events on the way. We didn’t have a lot of money to cater for all the artists because the event was mine and Nicholas Kioko and since it was our first event we had financial challenges,” Rick Be told Comedian Kayeye during a phone interview at Utisi Media Show.

Rick Be also said that they didn’t want to bring all artists at once since they will also be doing more episodes of the Kamba Festival.

“When I decide to bring all the artists on stage at once next time you may find it boring to come for the same event and so we also choose to leave others so that we can invite them next time. I don’t have any issue with any Kamba artist or celebrity,” he added.

Rick Be also disputed claims that the event didn’t belong to them saying that the rumours that the event belonged to Terence Creative were also created by Stephen Kasolo. On Sunday, Kasolo claimed that he was one of the people who promoted Rick Be to come into the limelight but later he chose not to invite him to perform during the Kamba Festival.

Kasolo told Rick Be and Nicholas Kioko that they should never interview him or come to any event organized by the gospel artist. Missed the story? check it out below;

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