
Dee Kivuva’s speech that resulted in ex-communication from ABC Church

Machakos nominated MCA Dee Kivuva was over the weekend excommunicated from the ABC church.

The MCA who is a staunch member was excommunicated by ABC archbishop Rev. Timothy Ndambuki.

A video has emerged where the MCA was heard making some remarks prompting his excommunication.

In the video, the vocal MCA was heard advising members of the ABC church to concentrate on winning more people to the church.

While addressing mourners at a funeral the nominated MCA said that it was wise to go and look for members who stopped coming to the ABC church and bring them back.

“Let us stop prioritizing budgets and other issues let us go and look for ABC members who got lost and bring them back,” Dee Kivuva said.

“Let us go out and do home fellowships to the people that belong to ABC and went so that they can return back to the brotherhood,” he added.

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