
Kangundo: Trader falls from Avocado tree and dies

A middle-aged from Kituvu village in Kangundo Subcounty of Machakos County died after falling from an avocado tree.

According to an eyewitness, the man who sells avocados had come to one of the homesteads in the area to buy avocados. When they had agreed with the seller he climbed the tree and started harvesting the avocados before he slipped and fell from the tree.

“It is a middle-aged man from Kituvu area who fell from an avocado tree. He was picking avocados for sale when he slipped from one of the branches and fell down,” said the eyewitness.

“He fell from a distance because when he fell he did not wake up and we had to call the police because he fell 25 meters down from the tree,” he added.

Police from Kangundo police station arrived at the scene and took the body for preservation at Kangundo level 4 hospital mortuary awaiting burial.

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