Kaiti: Parents demonstrate, accuse headteacher of preying on girls

Furious parents of Kyamuthei Primary School in Kaiti sub-county, Makueni County held demos at the school asking to have the headteacher transferred.

A section of the parents told the press that the school head has allegedly been sexually assaulting female pupils.

According to them, the head teacher identified as Mr. Kivaya has also not been coordinating with the school Board of Management.

Gerald Mutiso, a parent at the school claimed that his 15-year-old daughter was almost sexually assaulted by the school head.

“My daughter and two other girls were called to the office by the head teacher. On getting in the two girls were told to leave, he closed the door and asked my daughter to strip naked promising to give her sh.100. When she refused and started crying he opened the door and let her go, “Mutiso alleged.

“My child was troubled at home and I didn’t know what was wrong until I talked to her. After learning of the matter I went to the office and the head teacher escaped leaving me in the office even before I could talk to him about the issue. The area chief is aware of the matter,” Mutiso added.

The parents also accused him of mismanaging the funds of the school for the over five years he has been in the school.

“When he sells the trees or hires the field he does not explain how the money was used, the school mean score has taken a dive since he came yet the pupils come to school early and leave late, ” said another parent.

By the time of reporting officers from the Ministry of Education had arrived at the school.

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