
Jimmy Wanjigi: Kalonzo is part of old order he must retire from politics

Former Presidential aspirant Jimmy Wanjigi has voiced criticism against the political ambitions of Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Addressing a press briefing on Sunday, March 3, Wanjigi stated Kalonzo should retire and seek different leadership in his wiper party, to come up to the national stage.

“My friend Kalonzo Musyoka has hit the road positioning himself to take over leadership. It is my view and I don’t think I am alone that Kalonzo Musyoka is best following the path of Raila Odinga. He has been in politics for forty years. Is part of the old order and has no change agenda,” said Wanjigi.

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Wanjigi added that Kalonzo should allow room for emerging leaders to take over leadership.

“It is the time to handover to new people, fresh people and younger people. Even in his Wiper party it is a time to handover.” noted Wanjigi

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