Habitat For Humanity kicks off Affordable housing program in Athiriver

Several families from Kiasa, Athiriver in Machakos County, are set to benefit from Habitat For Humanity Affordable Housing program.

According to Nickson Otieno- Habitat For Humanity Interim National Director, the program will see those living in indecent housing get decent houses.

“We build houses for those living in indecent houses, the aged, the abandoned, orphans just to mention a few. This will help improve living standards for Kiasa residents here in Athiriver, Machakos.”Nickson said.

He added that there is a need for such families to get considered so as to help them live well and happily.

“When everyone is smiling it is our happiness. There is always a need to change and impact others’ lives positively no matter their state of living. This makes us great and more prosperous than we are. As it is always said; sharing is caring. Let’s hold each other, Let’s unite, Let’s care for each other ” He went on.

Several families at Kiasa Village in Athiriver have been living under indecent conditions, some of them struggling during rainy seasons, following the conditions of their houses.

Speaking to Mauvoo News, Regina Mueni a 68-year-old, who is a beneficiary, stated that she has been having hard times during rainy seasons with her 4 children, narrating the bad condition of their house which leaks a lot of water through the roof. They were unable to repair it due to a lack of funds.

“It has been a rough journey, living in a poorly roofed house. During the rainy season, it was so stressful for me and my 4 children. I really thank Habitat For Humanity for coming to my rescue. Am so happy.”Mueni said.

Since starting operations in 1982, Habitat for Humanity Kenya has worked in 19 counties across the country, enabling low-income families in over 250 communities to access decent housing as well as water, sanitation, and hygiene services.

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