
ODM Party Machakos branch kicks out Wanjigi allied Chairman

The ODM party Machakos county branch has kicked out the branch chairman for having links with Jimmy Wanjigi.

Addressing the press in Machakos, the party officials said that Wanjigi was not supporting Raila Odinga and their loyalty was strictly to Odinga. They restored the previous Chairman Peter Mutulu.

“If you can leave a seat to someone and then they endorse Jimmy Wanjigi, Wanjigi is not Raila’s supporter. These people have returned the seat to where it was because we are in ODM, day and night. Let him stay outside and watch the game.” Chairman Peter Mutulu said.

The Machakos Branch Secretary Dominic Kaleli warned that the ousted Chair Jacob Mule was not allowed to transact any business as Machakos Party Chairman.

“As ODM Machakos branch we have said that we are not with Jacob Mwanza Mule. He went to lie that Machakos is behind Wanjigi and he is not allowed to transact any business as ODM chair in Machakos. We have invited Peter Mutulu to lead us as we get the presidency because this time we are almost there.”Kaleli said.

The secretary also invited the Wiper party to join Azimio noting that they shared the same ideologies and it is only Azimio that was going to save the people from the high cost of living.

“As a party we like people and we ask wiper party to come so that we work together and get the presidency to save Kenyans. Wiper says they don’t support thieves, in ODM we were the first to refuse to work with such people. Let’s join hands and form one government that doesn’t have thieves.” Kaleli went on.

“As we hear people complaining about the high cost of living, we saw it and asked people to vote for us in 2017 and they did but votes were rigged. For the cost of living to go down, we should vote Azimio Government.” The Machakos Branch Secretary-General asked Kenyans.

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