
Governor Malombe: Why I am not in a hurry to name my cabinet

Kitui Governor Dr. Julius Malombe has revealed why he is yet to name his cabinet even after speculations that he would do so by 25th October 2022. 

In a briefing with the members of the fourth estate on Tuesday (25th October) where he was expected to name his cabinet, the Governor clarified that he is not in a hurry to do so because he needed the County Executive Committee Members to formulate the supplementary budget which would steer his 100 days agenda. 

Malombe pointed out that subjecting Ngilu’s cabinet to pressure or even sending some on compulsory leave would mean that the supplementary budget would only be passed after his new cabinet has been approved by the County Assembly and that may take longer. Malombe said that he will have a fully constituted cabinet by January 2023.

“When you get to a government like this and come firing staff that you find there you will not be doing justice to the residents who have voted you to serve them. We have already approved the Supplementary budget with the cabinet of the previous regime. I couldn’t approve it without a cabinet and I can’t have the cabinet when it has not been approved by the county assembly. The county assemblies delayed due to some instances where nominated MCAs had not been gazetted and thus they could not start their house business early,” Malombe said. 

Governor Malombe stated that the county assembly of Kitui has not yet formed some house committees thus even if he forwarded the names to the assembly they won’t be vetted and revealed that he will still be working with the previous cabinet before his choice is vetted.

“I don’t want to lie to our people, we will still work with the previous cabinet, they are our people who come from Kitui, schooled in the universities that those who I might work with come from and they are experienced in their delegated duties. Everything is okay, we are on the lookout and nothing can go against the will of the people of Kitui. I have my list which I will be forwarding to the county assembly and I assure the people of Kitui that by January 2023 we will have a fully constituted and functional government with Ministers and Chief Officers,” Malombe added.

He called upon those who think are qualified for Chief Officer positions to apply since the Kitui County Public Service Board has already advertised vacancies and will still be advertising more.

  “After I appoint the ministers and forward the names to the assembly, the public will be allowed to give their views on the candidates this is not a one-day event because it is a long process that will take some time and that’s why I say by January,” the Kitui boss stated.

The Governor warned the residents against comparing Kitui County with other counties which have already forwarded their names to the assembly saying that every individual gets into the office to work according to the best of his knowledge. Malombe added that he has enough experience to run the county and he is tried and tested so the residents should not worry about his pace because he knows what he is doing. He promised to work for the people to deliver his 100 days promise to the people of Kitui.

In the Lower Eastern Region, Both Makueni and Machakos Governors have so far named their cabinets.

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