Governor Mutua announces changes to his cabinet

Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua addressing the press at the Whitehouse. (Photo - Courtesy)

Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua has announced changes to his cabinet. This follows a wave of resignations by officeholders who quit to seek political offices.

Naomi Mutie the current CECM roads, transport, and public works will hold the position in an acting capacity and will be the CECM Finance and revenue collection department.

Eng. Morris Aluanga will continue being the CECM Water, irrigation, and Natural Resources with additional duty as acting CECM Tourism, youth, sports, and culture.

Urbanus Musyoka Wambua will continue being Food and Agriculture CECM and Titus Mativo the CECM county administration and decentralized units.

Evelyn Kavuu Mutie the CECM Energy, lands, housing, and urban planning got additional duties and will also be the CECM Trade, industrialization, Forensics, and Innovation.

Ruth Nduku Mutua was moved from the Department of Education to be full-time CECM Health and Emergency Services, a position that was left vacant by Dr. Ancent Kituku who resigned to vie for Kangundo MP.

Kimeu Kimeu will be the acting CECM Education, skills, and social welfare in addition to his current docket of Public service and ICT.

Timothy Guteta chief officer county secretary will be in addition be acting chief officer Tourism, Youth, Culture, and sports. Victor Muniafu reverts back to being chief officer Machawood from being acting chief officer Tourism, Youth and sports.

Stephen Ndwiki has been appointed acting chief officer of Water irrigation, climate change, and Natural Resources.

Mutua promised more changes in the coming week to replace people he says have been absconding duty.

“These changes we are doing it to give a new impetus and impact to service provision. We want to remove lethargic, corrupt, and indisciplined officers not serving the county of Machakos and promote honest, disciplined, hardworking, and deserving officers. I am tired of complainers, we will drop you to go and complain to your wife. I want to leave Machakos with a working system.” Mutua said.

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