Wavinya calls for Health to be reverted back to National Government

Transport CAS Wavinya Ndeti now says that Basic Education and Health that have been devolved to counties need to be reverted back to the National Government.

“There are two things that need to be taken back to the National government, health and education should be controlled by the National Government because counties are not handling them well,” she said.

“If there was any problem now the National Government would see where to get money like when Covid came, we diverted resources to combat the pandemic. When counties miss their resources, they must also look at priorities.

According to Wavinya when there is a shortage of funds to counties a lot of Kenyans suffer unlike in the National Government where they are able to realign their budgets and prioritize emerging needs.

In June 2021, Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua echoed Wavinya’s sentiments and said that the healthcare in Kitui county was in ICU and said he was thinking of whether the department can be reverted to the National Government.

Wavinya who was speaking during the opening of Isinga location chief’s office also said that it was unkind for a Deputy President to disrespect his boss even if he had other agenda he should be submissive to his boss.

“Being humble is very important, I wish Deputy President William Ruto could have stayed behind president Uhuru Kenyatta the way Moi did. Kenyatta left and Moi took over, that’s respect,” Wavinya went on.

Wavinya further urged DP Ruto to stop saying that he would not be in a coalition or an alliance for his presidential bid saying that no one would make it alone.

“I just want to urge my boss, my Deputy President not to say he will go alone, hii dunia hakuna mtu anaweza peke yake shikana na wale wengine tujenge kenya,” she added.

“We hear Ruto saying that the other people are grouping seeking alliances and he says he will not join anyone. If he says he can’t join anyone, will he work with you,” she questioned.

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