
Vuusya Ungu speaks on why he is still single

Dominic Muasya, known as Vuusya Ungu, has declared that he will never get married again and will remain single.

The Benga singer has had a tough time with marriage, having been married 11 times, each ending badly.

In a YouTube interview, Vuusya shared his experiences. One of his wives was particularly abusive.

 “She was very large and would beat me frequently. Once, when we lived in Kwa Njenga, she sat on my head. Neighbors had to hit her with a jerrican to free me. We had a small baby, but I had to leave her to save my life. I left everything with her,” Vuusya said.

After these difficult experiences, Vuusya decided to stay single. His last attempt to marry ended when his mother intervened.

 “My mother chased me away and told me not to bring the woman home. That’s why I say I had 11 failed marriages and over 10 children,” he explained.

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Vuusya also believes that no woman can be satisfied with just one man. “I’ve done enough research and established that no woman can belong to one man,”

Despite his past, Vuusya is practical about the future. He is part of a group that supports bachelors, ensuring he is prepared for old age. 

“I pay school fees for my 13 children, not because I want their help when I’m old, but so they can help themselves. A bachelor suffers only two times in life: when he is sick and when he is old. I have all that sorted,” he said.

Vuusya’s story shows his strength and determination to live life on his terms, despite his past struggles with marriage.

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