
Tala: Police in trouble over suicide case

Police at Tala Police Station are in trouble after allegedly trying to hide a suicide case that happened at the station Thursday.

Addressing the press, Tala ward MCA Jackson Ndaka said that he had gotten a report that there was an inmate who had committed suicide at the station and police were trying to cover up the incident.

He noted that when he arrived at the station he found that the police were loading the body of the deceased into a police car ready to take it to Kangundo level 4 mortuary without informing the family.

He immediately ordered the staff at the morgue not to receive the body terming it as the highest level of inhumanity to hide such a case from the family concerned.

“As we speak now we are at the Kangundo morgue after we went to Tala police station and found they had switched off the lights and parked the police car close to the OB door where they have put a dead body into the car,” said Ndaka.

“I enquired from the OCS why they were carrying a body even if it is a suicide case without informing the family, the car was driven out of the station at a high speed and we followed to Kangundo Mortuary and we ordered that the body should not be received until the family as been notified and investigations started,” he added.

Ndaka together with enraged residents called upon the Cabinet Secretary for Interior Prof. Kithure Kindiki to reshuffle all officers in the station failure to which they will hold a mass demonstration.

“We as Tala residents are tired of the series of cases in the area and our officers are not addressing them. Kindiki we want a total reshuffling of the officers in Tala Police Station failure to which we shall have a mass demonstration to close the station, ” he said.

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