
Ruto denied Kambas minister positions and took my wife’s official car in 2013 – Kalonzo

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has claimed that it is Deputy President William Ruto who denied Kambas ministerial positions after Jubilee took power in 2013.

Kalonzo stated that Ruto is incompetent and unfit to lead the country, and that’s why he didn’t bother supporting him even after telling him that he would get a position in the Kenya Kwanza government.

The wiper party leader alledging that Ruto is selfish and full of himself and he can’t help the Kamba community because, at one point, he took even took away his wife Pauline Musyoka’s car.

“There was one time when the Kamba community was in charge of the military, and at that time, the military was like the ‘deep state’ being controlled by Mulinge. When he was the Chief of Defense Forces, things were good for the community, there was also the late commissioner Kivuva who was like the current Inspector General of Police, and there were also ministers like the late Makau, Kyalo, Professor Mbithi, and I. ” Kalonzo said.

“During that time, the Kamba community was in government, and it benefited. Still, when Jubilee took over, I found that the problem was not Uhuru Kenyatta but Ruto because he is selfish. When they announced that they had taken over the government in 2013, the first thing Ruto did was to take my wife’s (Pauline Musyoka) official car instead of even taking my car,” Kalonzo narrated.

Kalonzo noted that at the moment, the Kamba community has no Cabinet Secretary, and that’s why he wants the Kamba people to see a difference after Azimio One Kenya Coalition Party forms the government and he will ensure that the Kamba community benefits from his Chief Minister position.

He also accused Ruto of quarreling openly with President Uhuru, yet he pretends to be obedient to him. “During my time as the Vice President in Kibaki’s Government, I respected him, but the case of Uhuru is different where Ruto openly criticizes the same government he is working for and shows disrespect to him, yet he pretends to call him ‘my boss’ but deep inside he is looking down upon him. It is not good for a country to operate like that, and I thank God their term is coming to an end,” Kalonzo added.

Kalonzo cautioned the Kamba community not to vote for Ruto because he is not fit to lead Kenya.

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