Performance of some of the top schools in Machakos county


After Cabinet Secretary of Education, Professor George Magoha released the results of KCSE 2020 today (10th May), Mauvoo News has established that the majority of schools in Machakos county have recorded improvements.

Machakos Boys with 313 candidates had a mean of 8.7051 an improvement of 0.08 from 8.62 in KCSE 2019.

Kathiani Girls in Kathiani Subcounty and which is a National School improved from a mean grade of 6.6 in 2019 to a mean grade of 8.1 in 2020. 150 students out of the total 175 students getting a mark to be admitted to University.

Lukenya boys high school with 126 students had a mean score of 7.96.

St. Francis Misyani Girls in Kangundo sub-county was not left behind with a mean of 7.927 and a candidature of 123 students.

Kitondo school improved from a mean of 7.45 in KCSE 2019 to a 7.6 in KCSE 2020 with 148 candidates and more than 100 meeting the university pass mark.

Mumbuni boys had 7 A-, B+30, B- 52, B-35, C+ 53, C-65,C-20, D+ 11, D-3, and D-2. The 278 candidates had a mean score of 7.34 an improvement of 0.775 from KCSE 2019.

Matungulu girls in Matungulu sub-county followed closely with a mean grade of 7.3 where 99 students out of 142 got a C plus and above.

St. Joseph Masinga Girls had a mean of 6.90 an improvement of 0.817. The school had 150 candidates.

Lukenya Girls had a mean score of 6.8 with 49 candidates.

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